Monday, August 11, 2008

Things here

Hi Everyone, I have really been wanting to post things awhile now but I'm a pretty bad multi-tasker. OK, so I like Australia. I love the beach and the city though I can't stand the prices of everything. The good news is I found a great swimsuit on sale because it's winter here (even though some are still like $100 dollars, this one was $20 at least). The other good news is that when you pay for something the tax has already been added in so its much easier to calculate.

This is Hester. This is a bit of a crazy picture because she is wearing bunny ears. Totally obsessed with them and ponies, fairies, and unicorns. She is a blast and so far we have more and more fun each week together.  

Yeah for some reason I can't get this pic to be right side up. But this is Eva, she is six. She is in her school uniform which includes the fun hat there. 

Here is a picture of the beach from the first place I stayed when I first got to Bondi. It had a balcony and this nice view. 

I miss everyone. My next blog which wont be near as long in coming, will be about Hostels. Love yall!