Monday, April 28, 2008

What Should I Make?

I was telling Andrea tonight  I have some prominent ingredients I could make meals with and want to as the end of the year approaches but its kinda hard to figure something out because I am missing some other very important ingredients needed for cooking such as eggs and sugar. Here is what I have and please feel free to post anything you think might make a good combination.

- Bisquick - Rotel
- Whipping Cream - Vanilla and Almond Extract
- Captain Crunch - Unsweetened Chocolate
- Chicken legs - Oatmeal
- Corn - Coconut
- Almonds (not sliced) - Raisins
- Tortillas - Flour and Cornmeal
- Frozen Strawberries -Saltine Crackers
- Pepperonis - Some pasta
- Popcorn

 I would be grateful for any suggestions. 


Katie Poteet said...

hey em! i have been thinking very hard about somethings that you can make and the first things that i can think of for you to make are for dessert. but here are some ideas anyway. i think that you can make some sort of shortcake using the bisquick and sugar and water. and then you can use the strawberries to go on top.

you can make eggless pancakes too : 1/3 cup bisquick, 1/4 cup milk, and then you can add sugar to make it sweeter. and maybe you can add strawberries to that too.

i am going to keep thinking and i will post another idea if i can think of anything.

The Fanks said...

You could make baked oatmeal with raisins and coconut. Or oatmeal chocolate cookies with coconut.

If you bought some rice (for like a dollar), you could bake your chicken coated in salt, pepper and cornflour and have spanish rice (with the rotel). I'll keep thinking too.

The Fanks said...

you could put the raisins in the cap'n crunch and have raisiny cap'n crunch. mmm-mm, cap'n crunch with a smack of raisin... -jf

Sasa said...

You mix the bisquick(or flour or cornmeal) with some water and crush up some saltine crakers and almonds and put the chicken in it and bake it(maybe throw some cocunut in there too). then its kinda like fried chicken only baked, which makes it healthier. we did something like that once.

You could slice the almonds and toast them with the cocanut and mix in the raisins and captin crunch and chop some chocolate in there for a yummy snack. i guess if you wanted it salty you could add the popcorn, too.

you could make peperioni biscuits. or Rotel biscuits. good luck, and let us know!


Katie Poteet said...

you can almost make a chicken rotel pasta. i think you need cheese or something like that though...

the bradleys said...

pasta pizza
no sugar? Please just get a little sugar and then make
strawberry muffins
raisin enchaldas
almond popcorn

I just made up those last 2. Let me know how to make them and how they taste.
love andrea

the Lycans said...

chocolate chicken with captain crunch sprinkles? i dont know if youre still taking suggestions or not...

with love and much thoughtfulness,