Thursday, March 27, 2008

Who is Miss Poteet?

This is my first entry here, I thought to start off, I could tell you what all the third graders asked me today. This is my first week in there.  I told them they could ask me any serious question (some did not take this to heart)  because they were in a kinda crazy mood and the teacher left to take a phone call so we did not know when she would be back.  I'll try to type the order they asked them in.

Do you have a boyfriend?
Do you have a husband? (Their reply to my answer was "oh thats sad")
Do you know my friend Diamond (the answer to that one was yes but to the "do you knows" after that is was all no)
Do you know Jospeph Johnson?
Do you know Sabra?
Do you know Mark?
More do you know questions
Do you know Hannah Montana?
This next question was completely incomprehensible because he was laughing so hard. I moved on to the next.
Where do you go to church?
(After a small reference to Texarkana) Do you know what Dark Slide is? (this is a skateboarding place in Texarkana)
Have you ever been there?
Do you cut your hair?

The answer to the last question by the way is yes, in times of emergency split ends. Allrighty thats all I have for now. 


the bradleys said...

This is really funny stuff! great post

the Lycans said...

you could have at least told the laughing hannah montana boy that you saw her at universal. and DO you cut your hair? have you ever been to the skate park?

The Fanks said...

Do you know Abraham Lincoln?

the bradleys said...

i am excited about this blog. that is, like andrea said, really funny stuff- heath

Razorback in China said...

HAHA, oh M you will be such a good teacher!

Em said...

oh thanks.

Abbie, I dont remember seeing Hannah Montana, I do remember we thought we saw Luna Lovegood at the concert though.

No, I dont know him but I do know how he died now, remember, Alice?